Monday, July 9, 2012

After the Fall!

This is what I looked like a few days after I crashed head long into the sidewalk; definitely NOT a pretty sight.  Here I am picking out material for a skirt.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Traffic in China

China has begun a love affair with cars!  The middle class are able to buy cars and they have been purchasing cars in large numbers.  It causes HUGE traffic jams in the big cities.  And, they are CRAZY drivers.  Every Sunday was a scary day for me taking a taxi to church!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Noodles, Anyone?

The Chinese love all kinds and varieties of noodles; this is the selection at the Trust*Mart, which is owned by Wal*Mart.  It was the closest grocery store to our home and it took about 3 hours to go there and back.  A 15 minute walk to the bus-stop, a wait for the bus, then a 15 minute ride to the store, shopping, then reverse.  But, when we went shopping here, I always had to go to the McDonald's or the KFC just down the street.  I needed a fix of American food!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Speech Winners

Describe an object and sell it to your groups of four.  Best sales pitch wins!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Roommates - for Four Years

These girls will be roommates for all four of their college years; they will also take all their classes together, except for a PE elective.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Chinese Motel Room Beds- Plywood Style

This was my first hotel bed - on an excursion with the English faculty.  Sleeping on the bed was exactly like sleeping on a sheet of plywood - absolutely no difference.  Except there was a sheet over the board.  Some of the people on our trips in China put the blanket under them to get some sort of cushioning.  All I can say is, OUCH!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Friday, June 1, 2012

Chinese Jewelry on the Street

It's amazing because these earrings look so similar to Native American jewelry, but it is made in the Northern part of China.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Male Half of the Sunday School Class

Loved teaching these boys; oh, they are smart, funny, clever, mischievous, and mighty fine.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Laundry Room at the Dorm

laundry day; just like in America it's a never-ending task.
The students hang all laundry to be dried out the back window.

Monday, May 21, 2012

They Certainly Don't Look Chinese!

The mother and children are Spanish; Dounald is from America.  The family joined the church and while we were in China, they went through the Hong Kong Temple to be sealed.  Virginia is AWESOME.  The kids are great and Dounald is a good man.  

Sunday, May 20, 2012

It's Just a Simple Floor Heater....

But the students were not allowed to have one in their rooms; it gets VERY cold in Guangzhou, but no heaters were allowed in the dormitory rooms or in the foyer of our building.  The doors were left open, and it was often extremely cold, but the desk girls could not plug in a heater.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Sight Seen Every Morning

There are no gyms, so all their play is's not fun when it's raining!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Dim Sum Restaurant; the Food Is Set Out Each Night

One hot muggy day, I happened to walk down the street where this restaurant was, and a dead body lay on a stretcher.  A worker had gone to the fridge and had been electrocuted.  Shortly after that, the owner of the restaurant tore down this very popular eating was just a pile of rubble surrounded by other shops and eateries.